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Dato’ Iskandar Mizal Mahmood Appointed As ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Board Director

  • 2022-05-19

Airports Council International Asia-Pacific (ACI) has appointed Managing Director of Malaysia Airports, Dato’ Iskandar Mizal Mahmood as Regional Board Director at the 17th ACI Regional Assembly Board Meeting.


Dato’ Iskandar joins three other newly appointed Regional Board Directors for a three-year term commencing June 2022. The ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Board is a governing body which determines the overall development strategy of ACI Asia-Pacific region in promoting excellence in airport management and operations.


The Board’s composition is made up of 27 aviation business leaders across the Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions. Meanwhile, ACI is the only global airport organisation that provides a platform for member organisations to address as well as advance the collective interests of about 2,000 airports worldwide.


Dato’ Iskandar said, “I am honoured to represent Malaysia in this global organisation. Air travel is on the rise again as many countries have started to open their borders. Airport operators globally, including Malaysia Airports are gearing up to ensure that we are ready to provide passengers with the best airport experience. I am looking forward to contribute, along with my fellow directors, in advocating for policies that would strengthen our ability to serve all our stakeholders better.”


Over 100 airports’ representatives, World Business Partners, and board members, from Asia-Pacific and the Middle East had gathered at the assembly that was recently held in Singapore to deliberate on important decisions and discuss the latest business trends. It was also the first in-person meeting since the onset of the pandemic.


The assembly had also unanimously approved a resolution urging all members to voluntarily commit to net zero carbon emissions. Malaysia Airports fully supports this resolution as it is aligned to our efforts in our five-year Environment Strategy Roadmap. Its flagship airport, KL International Airport (KLIA) was recently awarded Gold for the over 50 million passengers per annum airport category in the ACI Asia Pacific Green Airport Recognition 2022. KLIA has also been accredited with ‘Level 3 – Certification’ in a 4-Level Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) for its carbon management plan towards zero carbon emission, since 2015.

Dato’ Iskandar Mizal Mahmood Appointed As ACI Apac Regional Board Director

Dato’ Iskandar Mizal Mahmood Appointed As ACI Apac Regional Board Director

Malaysia Airports
Airport Carbon Accreditation
APAA, new delhi, ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East Regional Assembly, Conference and Exhibition 2025, aviation conference
APAA, new delhi, ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East Regional Assembly, Conference and Exhibition 2025, aviation conference
Airport Carbon Accreditation