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ACI Asia-Pacific Human Resources Excellence Recognition 2019 “Change Management”

ACI Asia-Pacific Human Resources Excellence Recognition 2019 “Change Management”

Held every two to three years, the HRER aims to encourage continual exchange of best practices in HR among ACI Asia Pacific member airports to support the development of airport through people.

HR Bulletin - Issue 16 (December 2018)

HR Bulletin - Issue 16 (December 2018)


With this bi-annual publication, we aim to update our members with the latest trends and developments of HR matters in our industry.

HR Bulletin - Issue 15 (July 2018)

HR Bulletin - Issue 15 (July 2018)


With this bi-annual publication, we aim to update our members with the latest trends and developments of HR matters in our industry.

YE Research Paper by NTAPL_Andrew Warrender

YE Research Paper by NTAPL_Andrew Warrender

Research paper written by Andrew Warrender at Northern Territory Airports Pty Ltd
for Young Executive Award 2018.